scam all over the world , we have to stop this

Hello friends,

I decide to start this blog just because I came to know that there are many things that people don't know about their computer, and if they find any type of problem they have to take their system to the store and spend alot of money just because they don't know what the exact  problem with the system.

Here you can share the problem and can find the solution .

Lets talk about the most common error and warning that most of the person got on their system and have to pay the money. why !

Why are they paying money to those persons who put the popup on their system and block the system with the toll free no.  for help and fix that errors and waring

what they actually do they create the popup and start advertising that domain soo that any buddy get impress by looking at the advertising and click on it . and when you click on it a new window will opens up having the popup which blocks your computer screen and says "Don't restart your system it will harm your system call this number for fixing" or something like that

so what is the solution ?
it is very simple as they send that popup on your browser you can easily close that popup by using your mouse and if you are not able to use the mouse or getting confuse then simply press "Alt + F4 " both key at the same time.

the warning screen will go and you can use your system as you want to do.

Please share the with your friends or with those persons who don't know much more about the computer.

and if they have already paid the amount to them and you came to know later after the pay then advise them to make the charge back against them .



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